Theme Trails in Marlengo
Adventure trails for families
Theme Trails in Marlengo
Theme Trails in Marlengo
Theme Trails in Marlengo
Theme Trails in Marlengo
Theme Trails in Marlengo
News Opening hours of the Marling ice skating rink: Tue – Wed – Thu: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM | Fri: 2:00 PM – 9:00 PM | Sat – Sun: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Theme Trails in Marlengo

Adventure trails for families

Marling offers a variety of unique hiking trails that combine nature, culture, and history. These trails are not only a delight for hiking enthusiasts but also a wonderful way to discover the diverse flora and fauna of the region.

The Squirrel Trail: The nature and adventure trail in Marling, marked by squirrel signs, is designed as a circular route that offers 23 nature and adventure stations for the whole family over just over a kilometer. It is alternately divided into play, sport, and relaxation zones, interspersed with educational stations on the topic of forest and wood. Additionally, the nature and adventure trail in Marling features an adventure rope course and a forest classroom for creative forest artists.

Woodland Adventure Trail along the Marlinger Waal (irrigation channel): This adventure trail runs along the historic Marlinger Waal, through dense forests and along babbling watercourses. Here, visitors can learn interesting facts about the fauna and flora of the Waal at 13 adventure stations. The exciting forest adventure trail is ideal for families with children, as it is easy to walk and partially accessible with a buggy.

St. Martin's Trail: This easily walkable, nature-friendly circular route is named after the St. Martin's Chapel (near the Eggerhöfe). Contemplative experience stations and tranquil resting places invite you to pause. Discover old chapels, traditional farmhouses, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

WineCultureTrail: This trail is a must for wine lovers and culture enthusiasts. It leads through picturesque vineyards and offers insights into viticulture and wine production in South Tyrol. Along the way, there are info panels with texts on wine history and culture, oversized objects from viticulture, such as a vine, a must press, and the Pazeide - an ancient wine and mass vessel - in the village square.
Theme trails in Marling:
Circular Hike on the Martinsweg Trail
Hiking, Path suitable for baby carriages
Circular Hike on the Martinsweg Trail

Martinsweg trail is an easily accessible, newly laid circular route named after the small Church of St. Martin, which is located close to the Eggerhöfe farmsteads.

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Easy Hike on Marling Waalweg Trail
Easy Hike on Marling Waalweg Trail

Easy Hike on Marling Waalweg Trail with start in the centre of Marling/Marlengo.

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The WineCulturePath
The WineCulturePath

History about the wine-grwoning area Marlengo.

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Nature & Adventure path in Marling
Nature & Adventure path in Marling

The Eichhörnchenweg trail is about 1 km long and offers 23 nature and adventure stations easily accessible for the entire family.

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Marlinger Waal Woodland Nature Trail
Marlinger Waal Woodland Nature Trail

The Walderlebnispfad (Forest Adventure) trail is as didactical nature walk with 13 illustrative posts carrying information about the flora and fauna inhabiting the forest.

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Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 3 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

Jung, dynamisch und traditionsbewusst – Das Weingut Hillepranter 🍷

Mit frischem Wind in den Reben: Seit 2021 keltert Lukas Kapfinger auf dem Hillepranterhof seine eigenen Weine. Besonders beeindruckend ist sein Blauburgunder, der die einzigartigen klimatischen Bedingungen in Marling perfekt widerspiegelt – von der Morgensonne bis zu den kühlen Fallwinden in der Nacht.

❓ Welche Rebsorte mögt ihr am liebsten? ❓

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 4 days ago

Evening events in Marling - 2025 🎉

This year, too, you can look forward to numerous varied and atmospheric events in Marling, which will welcome guests, friends and acquaintances to spend convivial evenings together! 🌟

11-13.04.: Porsche tractor meeting
10.05.: Sparkling Festival - Merano winery in Marling
10.05.: Spring festival VKE
29.05.: WeinKulturFest
07.06.: "Beckenfestl" - Senn am Egg
08.06.: Meadow festivity of the "Schützenkompanie"
19.06., 17.07., 31.07., 21.08.: Taller&Tuba
12.06., 03.07., 28.08., 04.09.: Concert evenings in the pavilion
09.07.: Summer festivity of the "Goaßlschnöller"
23.07.: Summer festivity of the fire department
06.08.: Summer festivity of the "Bauernjugend"
14.08.: Popphoffesta
23-24.08.: Meadow festivity of the "Gruppo Alpini"
28.09.: Törggele festivity of the local music band
05.10.: Törggele festivity of the folk dance group
11.10.: Autumn festivity of the VKE
12.10.: Törggele festivity of the table tennis club
26.10.: Törggele festivity of the "Gruppo Alpini"

Mark your calendars and be there - we look forward to seeing you! 🍷🎺💃

📸Terzer Armin

#marling #südtirol #meran #südtirolevents #marlengo #altoadigeeventi #altoadige #southtyrol #visitsouthtyrol

Marling - Marlengo Marling - Marlengo 6 days ago
Marling - Marlengo

❄️ Winterzauber am Vigiljoch – ein Ort voller Geschichte und Magie! ❄️

Eingehüllt in Stille, umgeben von glitzerndem Schnee und atemberaubender Natur: Eine Winterwanderung zur Sankt-Vigilius-Kirche auf 1793 m ist ein Erlebnis, das euch nicht nur die Schönheit der Südtiroler Landschaft zeigt, sondern auch in die Vergangenheit eintauchen lässt.

💫 Schon gewusst? Das Vigiljoch war bereits in prähistorischer Zeit ein Kultplatz. Feuersteinfunde und Schalensteine aus der Bronzezeit zeugen von der besonderen Energie dieses Ortes. Die heutige Kirche wurde vermutlich über einem heidnischen Kultplatz errichtet und im 12. Jahrhundert erstmals urkundlich erwähnt.

👣 Tipp: Startet eure Winterwanderung früh, um die klare Bergluft und das besondere Licht am Vigiljoch in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Vergesst eure Kamera nicht – die verschneite Landschaft rund um die Kirche ist ein Traum!

📸 Ihr habt ein tolles Bild vom Vigiljoch? Zeigt es uns gerne 😍

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 7 days ago

Postcard views from snowy days in Marling! ❄️✨

📸 Lintner Christian

#marling #südtirol #meran #wandernsüdtirol #panorama #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #wintertime #winterwonderland #mountains #landscapephotography

marling_marlengo marling_marlengo 9 days ago

Snowshoeing & winter hiking in Marling and the surrounding area 🌟❄️

Our recommendations for your next winter adventure:

🌄 Winter hiking in the Merano Region - fantastic views
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Vigiljoch - A family-friendly winter paradise
🎿 Merano 2000 - The highlight for sports enthusiasts and nature lovers
🚶‍♂️ Hafling and Tschögglberg - Relaxed routes with fantastic panoramas
⛷️ Schwemmalm in Ultental Valley - Unspoilt nature and lots of fun in the snow

What is your favorite winter hiking area? ❄️

📸IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige/Dietmar Denger

#marling #südtirol #meran #schneeschuhwandern #winterurlaub #marlengo #altoadige #southtyrol #mountains #winterhiking

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